Scarlet Lifting Surgery Hospital. No more skin problems like somber skin, unpleasant blemish!
It’s beautiful spring to start pure makeup, but many skin trouble comes from bad and dry skin due to cold winter wind. Now please try Scarlet, recommended to those who want to care for beautiful skin without blemish and somber skin.
Please appeal your purity through light base makeup for spring-
- Photo of before & after Scarlet pimple scar surgery-
[Side effect or notice after Scarlet surgery]
Patients hardly feel pain because of applying salve. With short downtime many people satisfy with this surgery and redness after surgery soon disappears with only very small needle mark remaining, and sometimes very small minute callus partially appears to the degree of being inconspicuous after 1~2 days from surgery! In that case, it’s better to apply sun cream.
Scarlet is the method to at the same time pursue micro-needle’s physical action and thermal action due to high-frequency energy, by injecting high-frequency energy after injecting micro-needle into inner skin level. The number of micro-needle per stamp unit area is limited to 25 to prevent bulk heating in inner skin level and safely deliver high-frequency energy by true fractional way, enabling intensively giving high-frequency energy in inner skin level rather than epidermis.
The intensive heat in inner skin level causes relatively little change of epidermis with little obstacle in daily living, and effectively stimulates many fibroblasts, improving wrinkles and skin tone. And by giving intensive high-frequency energy around inserted micro-needle, it’s fast in wounds healing, and also you can get effect of existing micro-needle therapy system (MTS) with 25 micro-needles, by making an opening on skin