Remove acne scars with Scarlet.
We are going to figure out acne scar today.
Scarlet can cure acne scars.
Before we figure out how good to acne scar with Scarlet, let’s see about acne scar.
We could get acne on the cheek, so it could get deep acne scar easily.
You need to be careful cheek, because it’s visual part. So you could touch often and it could make worse.
Acne of forehead isn’t remains scar easily, but sometimes remain black head.
So you need to treatment in advance.
Usually we could get chine acne after adulthood. Chine parts acne is could be nodular acne.
Mouth part acne is sensitive, because muscle is move a lot. So sometimes remain acne scar and pigmentation.
Why? Scarlet is good for acne scar?
Scarlet RF is combination with high frequency and stamp.
It can solve skin problem like lifting, acne and pore size.